Experiments in Letterpress


I wondered how it would look to letterpress lighter ink on darker paper. Using the brayer and Chocolate Chip Craft ink, I rolled the dark brown ink onto the white cotton letterpress paper.

Then, I rolled silver letterpress ink onto the printing plate shown here and ran it through the Big Shot. As you can see, the lighter ink shows up nicely. I could have taken more care to brayer the chocolate chip ink better, but I was just doing it for the sake of experimentation.

Hopefully other paper colors will be available soon!



  1. I went to Papersource to get some cotton paper to try the L Letterpress. She showed me what they use to do
    real letterpress. They had about 25 different colors.
    The paper is not as thick as what came with the starter kit, but it should work. I would try it but just have not had the chance. I hope to get to it tomorrow night.

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